Distributors of the Pepi-Pod® sleep space programme need to be registered.
This is a quality process to ensure a standard is upheld and acknowledged in the distribution of the programme. It is a mechanism for accountability to families, funders and coroners, and is offered as support for participating agencies.
This form is to be completed by the person leading the programme in your DHB, or your agency, if not a DHB. A unique registration number will be issued to each person that you confirm has met the competency standard as evidence of this. The registration number is recorded on distribution forms each time information is collected from families.
Thank you.
Stephanie Cowan, Programme Director, The Pepi-Pod® Programme (June 2014)
Thank you for completing this Distributor Registration form.
Assign a unique registration number to each applicant and keep records locally.
We appreciate the commitment of your agency or service to the competency standards of this programme.
From the Pepi-Pod® Programme Team